Senior Pastor -
Jeff Rasmussen
I am a native of Rushford, Minnesota. I am married to Grace and together we have seven children, six daughters Cierra, Jadeyn, Ariana, Calista, Bella, Noel and one son Isaiah. I felt called to serve God since a very young age. I have been influenced and surrounded by Godly men and women my whole life. I have a heart for the lost and hurting. I long to disciple and equip others that God places in my life for His Kingdom. It is my desire to see the lost saved, the sick healed, and the oppressed set free for Jesus’ glory. Jesus is my Savior, Lord and best friend. I believe that we are to live victoriously and supernaturally because anything less is short of what Jesus died for. My first love is to God and worshipping Him. I believe I am called to prepare Jesus’ bride for His imminent return. He is coming quickly, let’s be ready!
Favorite quote – “Give your life to Jesus He can do more with it than you can.”-D.L. Moody
Favorite verse-Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)